Here is more Disneyworld! We ate at Epcot German's Bier Gartens and this is Brock rockin' out to the dudes playing live music in their leiderhosen. We ate their becuase Opa (Brock's middle name sake) is from Germany. It was fun.
Bos and Marty at Epcot
Bos at all the Nemo fish. Turtle Talk with Crush was the cutest thing, but they seperate the kids from the parents and Bos had a mini melt down but once I went down and sat with him he enjoyed it.
Brock's favorite was seeing all the brids and ducks out everywhere!
We made Boston go on the Dinosaur ride. He didn't like ie. I admit, it was pretty scary!
Brock finally started walking on our trip besides more than a few steps!
For Boston's Birthday we went to Chef MIckeys and it was way fun and pretty yummy. Brock wasn't too sure about the characters, from a distance they were ok, but if they came and touched him at all he went into hysterics.
For his birthday Grandma got him a build your own light saber and he chose it to look like Darth Maul and had so much fun and the worker lady was very helpful and cute with him. Star Tours was definately Boston's favorite ride!
For Bos's birthday dinner we went to T-Rex Cafe in Downtown Disney. It was awesome!
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