I decorated iwth just blue streamers and blue, black, and silver balloons. We put Star Wars toy ships everywhere too.
While we were waiting for everyone, we had Star Wars music blasting and they just colored and did coloring activities and Satr Wars sticker pages. Everyone got their picture taken in front of the big Darth Vader and Yoda cut-outs, and could wer a mask if they wanted.
We had an Astroid Treasure hunt where I just wrapped candy in tinfoil and hid it everywhere. Then we played Star Wars Bingo.
We did LightSaber Training, first they had to keep a balloon in the air with their light sabers and then Aaron showed them moves and told them about Star Wars fighting stuff, and he put on Boston's Darth Vader helmut and the kids got to defeat him with their moves. Each child got a Jedi Training Certificate that they loved! We had enough light sabers for everyone to borrow one, I saw on a blog someone made lightsabers out of pool noodles cut in half and duct tape/electric tape, and the kids got to keep them. I thought this was the greatest idea since gravy, but alas, it is February and no stores had pool noodles yet and I didn't have time to go online. Anyway...
We watched Clone Wars and had Han Solo figures frozen in ice that they had to melt (like in the movie when he is frozen in carbonite or whetever) I had another game planned for outside but it was cold and raining.
Present Time! We played the Cantina Song and "hot Potato" game present opening.
With our cupcakes, instead of ice cream I made Yoda Soda, which was just sprite, then green ice cubes frozen out of green Kool-aid(my moms idea, so cute)
The kids ahd Clone Wars goodie bags I just got at Target, and in it was Zots candy, Pop Rocks, War Heads, colorful yummy flavored "lightsaber" candy sticks, "lightsaber" glow sticks, a Star Wars PEZ, and clone wars sticker sheets I just got at Target too. Then they got their Jedi certificate and a balloon. Way fun! Boston sort of was pouty sometimes and had a mini-melt-down, but overall he loved it and I was glad to have pulled off the first of many friends parties.
P.S. Do not compare my party to this one at Party Perfect! It is awesome! But mine was too for me, one day... one day...
1 comment:
Way to go Jocelyn !!! Totally cute! That was amazing! I'll bet Boston will remember it always, I'll bet it was heaven for him! We need to get together....I keep thinking about it! I will call you!
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