Yes, I am one of "those" people. You know the Twilight fans I used to mock relentlessly? Well, we dressed up and went to the expo center and the midnight showing of New Moon!! Thanks to my mother-in-law. Loved it! It didn't get good reviews I guess, but hello! If you read the books you will love the movie, and oh that wolf pack!! Yum! Is it bad that I am a 30+ year old married mom and I want to lick a 17 year olds chest? Did I just type that? Yes, I did.

Me and Stephanie in front of Bellas truck, notice our vampire fangs. She is a Volturi chick and I am Alice.

Mother-in-law and sis-in-law

And here we are in Italy in front of the Volturi castle or whatever.
I got home and to bed at 3:30 or so and woke up the next morning at 6:30 to go to Park City for my Mary Kay Fall Retreat. Totally worth it and fun!
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