Saturday, December 26, 2009
Do You Hear What I Hear?
"Cuz I hear lots of toys and music and movies at my house. And what I see looks like a bomb went off full of wrapping paper and instruction pamphlets. We had a wonderful Christmas with Christmas Eve spent at Aunt and Uncle's with the whole clan and Boston and I played our first duet together of Jingle Bells. We only practiced a few times and he really has had only one official piano lesson. I was so proud! He is a natural! We listened to this recording of various prophets and apostles testifying of Christ and it was so wonderful I cried. My mom and brother came. Brock opened his first Christmas present and really got into it tearing the paper and made funny faces. The elves came and brought us Disney jammies since we are going to Disneyworld in a few weeks. Boston slept in on Christmas until 7:30 so not too bad. We had family over for breakfast, during the afternoon and we went to grandpas with everyone for dinner. Boston said the prayer on dinner and he started out so sweet saying "Thank you that we could all get together and have a Christmas dinner at Grandpa's" and then later he ended with "Bless that the toys will be cool" so funny! And when he opened his gifts he was not dissapointed:) Boston was thrilled with his gifts including a new bike from Grandma. I have much to be thankful for especially the birth, life, death and Resurrection of my Savior, Jesus Christ. Aaron got me exactly what I wanted, a Ninja Master Prep. If you haven't seen the infomerical you gotta check it out. I used it Christmas morning to make smoothies, today to make guacamole and to crush gingersnaps for my ham coating tonight. I don't want to take Christmas decor down, it is so depressing afterward, the house looks so bare to me and less warm. Oh well, on to a new year! I also love January to examine my life. Determine where I am and what I need to do to be the kind of person I want to be. Merry Christmas!!!!
Boston and Jane after seeing the lights at Thanksgiving Point and seeing the reindeer.
Boston and Jane again.
Brock in his Christmas outfit:)

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