Saturday, December 26, 2009
Do You Hear What I Hear?
"Cuz I hear lots of toys and music and movies at my house. And what I see looks like a bomb went off full of wrapping paper and instruction pamphlets. We had a wonderful Christmas with Christmas Eve spent at Aunt and Uncle's with the whole clan and Boston and I played our first duet together of Jingle Bells. We only practiced a few times and he really has had only one official piano lesson. I was so proud! He is a natural! We listened to this recording of various prophets and apostles testifying of Christ and it was so wonderful I cried. My mom and brother came. Brock opened his first Christmas present and really got into it tearing the paper and made funny faces. The elves came and brought us Disney jammies since we are going to Disneyworld in a few weeks. Boston slept in on Christmas until 7:30 so not too bad. We had family over for breakfast, during the afternoon and we went to grandpas with everyone for dinner. Boston said the prayer on dinner and he started out so sweet saying "Thank you that we could all get together and have a Christmas dinner at Grandpa's" and then later he ended with "Bless that the toys will be cool" so funny! And when he opened his gifts he was not dissapointed:) Boston was thrilled with his gifts including a new bike from Grandma. I have much to be thankful for especially the birth, life, death and Resurrection of my Savior, Jesus Christ. Aaron got me exactly what I wanted, a Ninja Master Prep. If you haven't seen the infomerical you gotta check it out. I used it Christmas morning to make smoothies, today to make guacamole and to crush gingersnaps for my ham coating tonight. I don't want to take Christmas decor down, it is so depressing afterward, the house looks so bare to me and less warm. Oh well, on to a new year! I also love January to examine my life. Determine where I am and what I need to do to be the kind of person I want to be. Merry Christmas!!!!
Boston and Jane after seeing the lights at Thanksgiving Point and seeing the reindeer.
Boston and Jane again.
Brock in his Christmas outfit:)

Monday, December 21, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Give a Hoot for the Holidays
Um Hello! I HAVE to have these! Not only are they stinkin' a-dor-a-ble, but, ya know, the whole "havin' a hoot at the Harris household" thing? I have taken a liking to owls lately, owl art, owl jewelry, and now...CUTE OWL FELT ORNAMENTS! Here is the tutorial to make them.

Must Be Santa...Must Be Santa...Must Be Santa, Santa Claus!
Boston had his preschool program today and here is a little excerpt. He did so great, considering he didn't even want to go to school today and sometimes gets very shy. It kills me because I was shy as a kid and hated it and so I have tried to raise Boston not to be shy, but apparently you can't fight genetics. Plus he kept yawning, probably because he wakes up so dang early! Oh well, he did super, and sang super loud, and looked super cute!!! Yay! (Also, pay no mind to my horrible recording job, I apparently can't hold my camera steady AT ALL)
His Reindeer ears kept falling down:)

Press PLAY and enjoy!
Notice how all the kids' noses are painted red except Boston and one other girls. He said he didn't want to. That is odd since he always comes home with marker all over his face or body from school saying he was Rudolph that day, or got in a battle.
This is Boston's buddy Tyler. At Thanksgiving time I was there early to pick the kids up and the teacher was asking them what they were grateful for and writing it down. She asked Tyler and he said "I am thankful for Boston" So sweet! He seems to just adore Boston from day one and they are good little buddies. By the way, when Bostons was asked what he was thankful for he siad, "My mom!...and the whole class" Melt my heart!
His Reindeer ears kept falling down:)
Press PLAY and enjoy!
Notice how all the kids' noses are painted red except Boston and one other girls. He said he didn't want to. That is odd since he always comes home with marker all over his face or body from school saying he was Rudolph that day, or got in a battle.
Recipe of the moment

On Saturday night we went to Macaroni Grill with some friends (Thanks for the 50% discount!) I always get the Chicken Scallopine and I absolutely LOVE it!! So here is the copy cat recipe: ( BTW it is SO not figure friendly!!)
SERVES 8 -10
* 4 ounces lemon juice
* 2 ounces white wine
* 4 ounces heavy cream
* 1 lb butter
* 6 (3-4 ounce) chicken breasts, pounded thin
* oil, for sauteing chicken
* butter, for sauteing chicken
* 1/2-3/4 cup flour, seasoned with
* salt and pepper, for dredging
* 6 ounces pancetta, cooked
* 12 ounces mushrooms, sliced
* 12 ounces artichoke hearts, sliced
* 1 tablespoon capers
* 1 lb capellini, cooked
* chopped parsley, for garnish
1.To make the sauce: Heat the lemon juice and white wine in a saucepan over medium heat.
2. Bring to a boil and reduce by one-third.
3.Add cream and simmer until mixture thickens (3-4 minutes).
4. Slowly add butter until completely incorporated.
5. Season with salt and pepper.
6. Remove from heat and keep warm.
7. Cook pasta and drain.
8. Heat a small amount of oil and two tablespoons butter in a large skillet.
9. Dredge chicken in flour and saute in pan, turning once, until brown and cooked through.
10. Remove chicken from pan and add to pan remaining ingredients.
11. Heat until mushrooms soften and are cooked; add chicken back to pan.
12. Place cooked pasta on each plate.
13. Add half of butter sauce to chicken mixture and toss.
14. Taste and adjust, adding more sauce if needed.
15. Place chicken mixture over pasta.
16. Garnish with parsley.
17. Alternately, mix pasta and chicken mixture together.
18. Toss with butter sauce.
There goes my diet....but YUM-MO!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Make your own Paper Ornaments!
I am using this Heartland Paper tutorial and giving the big stars as part of my neighbor Holiday Gifts this year!

click here for the insturctions:

click here for the insturctions:
Friday, December 4, 2009
December VT Message
The message is entitled, "Nurture Through Compassionate Service." One of the passages from Sister Barbara Thompson talks about doing our part to help build the kingdom of God... and the fact that we will have help in doing this. She then quotes Joseph Smith: "If you live up to your privileges, the angels cannot be restrained from being your associates." Use a magnet designed just for this particular gift. It has the quote from Joseph Smith on it, as well as a picture of an angel. And here is the exciting part...The angel pictured on the magnet was the first angel to decorate an LDS temple in our dispensation. It stood on top of the original Nauvoo temple. It is very vintage looking - and instead of being vertical (like most others) the angel is horizontal. In one of the angel's hand is an open book (presumably the Book of Mormon) and in the other hand he holds a trumpet - announcing to the world the gospel. See Revelations 14:6-7. You can purchase the magnet at Pioneer Party and Gift in Lehi, or just put a picture of an angel with the message or even make your own magnet!

New Moon Mania!
Yes, I am one of "those" people. You know the Twilight fans I used to mock relentlessly? Well, we dressed up and went to the expo center and the midnight showing of New Moon!! Thanks to my mother-in-law. Loved it! It didn't get good reviews I guess, but hello! If you read the books you will love the movie, and oh that wolf pack!! Yum! Is it bad that I am a 30+ year old married mom and I want to lick a 17 year olds chest? Did I just type that? Yes, I did.

Me and Stephanie in front of Bellas truck, notice our vampire fangs. She is a Volturi chick and I am Alice.

Mother-in-law and sis-in-law

And here we are in Italy in front of the Volturi castle or whatever.
I got home and to bed at 3:30 or so and woke up the next morning at 6:30 to go to Park City for my Mary Kay Fall Retreat. Totally worth it and fun!
Me and Stephanie in front of Bellas truck, notice our vampire fangs. She is a Volturi chick and I am Alice.
Mother-in-law and sis-in-law
And here we are in Italy in front of the Volturi castle or whatever.
I got home and to bed at 3:30 or so and woke up the next morning at 6:30 to go to Park City for my Mary Kay Fall Retreat. Totally worth it and fun!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Family Journal Time!
Brock still isn't walking, but he will stand up by himself, walk holing on to something, and take a step from one object to another. He says, "uh-oh" which is too adorable, and he will point to the light and say, "IGHT". That's pretty much it except mama dada and ba.
The other day in the card Aaron told Grandma that my moms dad, my grandpa "passed away" the other day. Bos pipes up from the backseat, "ya, dead!! D-E-D!" It was so funny.
At dinner last night I kept getting annoyed with Boston because he practially sits on my lap when I sit by him eating dinner, so I have to keep pushing his hands and arms aways and putting him back all the way on his own seat and he says "Mom you're like not the best mom ever!" I thought he said I was 'like the best mom ever' but I heard wrong and he says "because you won't let me touch you" Everyone at the dinner table gave me grief, but I am sorry, I need my space!
But! Another day we were watching tv and hes says "mom, I love you never-ending" So I guess that makes up for not being the best mom ever.
Brock loves to watch Dancing With the Stars, he laughs and crawls toward the Tv and claps and dances like nobody's business! So cute and funny. And I love how babies just have this innate sense to move to music, they know it instinctively. So awesome!
Last Sunday in church I had an amazing experience. A close friend had lost his baby recently after being born premature and living only 2 weeks. well, I was sitting by him and got to watch him hold and play with and love on my little guy, tears came to my eyes because I was so grateful that I had a living breathing baby, and I also cried at seeing this man so good with kids with such love and understanding and faith that he will see his baby again. My heart was so full!
We had a dinner celebrating Visiting Teaching and the bishop talked about the friendships you will make with the women you visit. How Heavenly Father puts them in our path for a reason and He has a hand in the whole process. One of my closest friends is my friend because of the Visiting Teaching program, I know God directed her to my life and it has been a blessing and I love her and I am thankful for my Father in Heaven's mindfulness of me.
Boston just informed me that he has "had the swine flu for like two weeks mom!"
Brock still isn't walking, but he will stand up by himself, walk holing on to something, and take a step from one object to another. He says, "uh-oh" which is too adorable, and he will point to the light and say, "IGHT". That's pretty much it except mama dada and ba.
The other day in the card Aaron told Grandma that my moms dad, my grandpa "passed away" the other day. Bos pipes up from the backseat, "ya, dead!! D-E-D!" It was so funny.
At dinner last night I kept getting annoyed with Boston because he practially sits on my lap when I sit by him eating dinner, so I have to keep pushing his hands and arms aways and putting him back all the way on his own seat and he says "Mom you're like not the best mom ever!" I thought he said I was 'like the best mom ever' but I heard wrong and he says "because you won't let me touch you" Everyone at the dinner table gave me grief, but I am sorry, I need my space!
But! Another day we were watching tv and hes says "mom, I love you never-ending" So I guess that makes up for not being the best mom ever.
Brock loves to watch Dancing With the Stars, he laughs and crawls toward the Tv and claps and dances like nobody's business! So cute and funny. And I love how babies just have this innate sense to move to music, they know it instinctively. So awesome!
Last Sunday in church I had an amazing experience. A close friend had lost his baby recently after being born premature and living only 2 weeks. well, I was sitting by him and got to watch him hold and play with and love on my little guy, tears came to my eyes because I was so grateful that I had a living breathing baby, and I also cried at seeing this man so good with kids with such love and understanding and faith that he will see his baby again. My heart was so full!
We had a dinner celebrating Visiting Teaching and the bishop talked about the friendships you will make with the women you visit. How Heavenly Father puts them in our path for a reason and He has a hand in the whole process. One of my closest friends is my friend because of the Visiting Teaching program, I know God directed her to my life and it has been a blessing and I love her and I am thankful for my Father in Heaven's mindfulness of me.
Boston just informed me that he has "had the swine flu for like two weeks mom!"
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Much needed motivational quote of the moment
"Perhaps the very best question that you can memorize
and repeat, over and over, is, 'what is the most
valuable use of my time right now?'"
and repeat, over and over, is, 'what is the most
valuable use of my time right now?'"
Ya, I pretty much LOVE him
November Visiting Teaching Message
For this months handout: Cut an apron shape out of fall scrapbook paper and put a ribbon at the top. Make the back attach so there is a puch. Put a label on the front that reads: Add the words of the prophets to your Thanksgiving Menu.

Fill the back pouch with a yummy candy and a Thanksgiving Menu tucked inside with quotes from General Conference. So it says Thanksgiving Menu Feast upon the words of the prophets (food for thought from the 2009 October General Conference)
"Allow virtue to garnish thy thoughts unceasingly." Bishop Burton
"Preperation removes fear" Elder L Tom Perry
Side Dishes
"Spirituality yields two fruits...the first is inspiration to know what to do, the second is power or the capacity to do it." Elder Richard G Scott
"If we heed his work and live the comandments, we will survive this time of wickedness." Pres. Monson
Main Course
"Because the spirit is often described as a still small voice, it is important to have a time of quiet in our allow the spirit time to whisper sweet guidance." Vicki F Matsumori
"What we love, determines what we seek. What we seek, determines what we think and do. What we think and do determines who we are and who we will become." Pres. Uchtdorf
"You need to know that nothing can seperate you from the love of Christ." Barbara Thompson
"We are invited to 'get a grip' on the iron rod and never let go!" Sister Ann Dibb
And of course, pumpkin pie!
All menu items free of charge...Considered priceless for those guests who are willing to "Come Unto Him"

Thanks you PP&G! and I hope all of you that have access to one, take time to read your Ensign this month. I always LOVE everything Pres. Uchtdorf says, so good!
Fill the back pouch with a yummy candy and a Thanksgiving Menu tucked inside with quotes from General Conference. So it says Thanksgiving Menu Feast upon the words of the prophets (food for thought from the 2009 October General Conference)
"Allow virtue to garnish thy thoughts unceasingly." Bishop Burton
"Preperation removes fear" Elder L Tom Perry
Side Dishes
"Spirituality yields two fruits...the first is inspiration to know what to do, the second is power or the capacity to do it." Elder Richard G Scott
"If we heed his work and live the comandments, we will survive this time of wickedness." Pres. Monson
Main Course
"Because the spirit is often described as a still small voice, it is important to have a time of quiet in our allow the spirit time to whisper sweet guidance." Vicki F Matsumori
"What we love, determines what we seek. What we seek, determines what we think and do. What we think and do determines who we are and who we will become." Pres. Uchtdorf
"You need to know that nothing can seperate you from the love of Christ." Barbara Thompson
"We are invited to 'get a grip' on the iron rod and never let go!" Sister Ann Dibb
And of course, pumpkin pie!
All menu items free of charge...Considered priceless for those guests who are willing to "Come Unto Him"
Thanks you PP&G! and I hope all of you that have access to one, take time to read your Ensign this month. I always LOVE everything Pres. Uchtdorf says, so good!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Happy Haunting!

I learned this year a lesson as a mom. Boston wore his "dress up" Darth Vader costume to our neighborhood "trunk-or-treat" Well, this wasn't his costume, he has had it for a year and uses it to play star wars, and the mask is the real big voice changer toy one not just a "costume" peice and he has tons of Light sabers that he plays with of course, so anyway, at preschool the next day was his Halloween party and he wanted to wear his Darth Vader costume and I had bought him this cute dead pirate one that I wanted him to wear because he couldn't wear his mask for Darth Vader at school anyways, and I wanted him to look cute or cool or whatver. Even earlier in the season, he had wanted to be Jango Fett or someone and I wouldn't let him because his friend from preschool was being that and I didn't want them being the same. Seriously, why do I as a parent even care, the kids in his class wouldn't care what he was and would think anything was "cool", it's not like any other moms are sitting there judging me so WHY do I push it so hard. He also went though a phase of wanting to be a dinosaur that was my little brothers from when we were kids and I thought it looked "babyish" and not as "cool" as superheros or whatever else his friends were being so I told him no he could just wear that for playtime dress up. Seriously? Again, even if he did wear the dino costume, none of the $ year ols are going to care! So I sent a kid off to school practically dragging him kicking and screaming to carpool to go to school for the Halloween Party. He was not a happy camper and neither was I. Was this worth it? Well...actually it turned out fine, he had fun and wore his costume for Halloween only a little bit grudgingly. BUT, I guess my job as a mom is to pick my battles, and if it is about my kids happiness and what is important to him, that should for sure come before my pride or opportunity for a cute photo. It was still a fun holiday and I am glad it is over!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Fall 2009 Family Photos
Friday, October 23, 2009
Dear Santa...
Please deliver me this lovely cardigan (and the other goodies if you feel so inclined)on Christmas morning...xoxo Jocelyn
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Have you heard of Stella & Dot?
Because I hadn't...but oh my gosh what a find! They are a jewlery in home thing like Cookie Lee Silpada or Lia Sophia, only way more faulouso! Not cheap...but not crazy either. Check out my faves and find your own at

Thursday, October 15, 2009
"It's Halloween, It's Halloween...
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