I am doing a Giveaway for a Satin Hands Gift Set! The winner will receive a full size Mary Kay Satin Hands Pampering Set. The gift set also includes an ultra chic aqua collander for your kitchen and designer kitchen gloves for doing dishes or cleaning to protect those Satin Hands of yours! All wrapped up super cute just for you! If you haven't tried Satin Hands before it gives you irresistibly smooth, supersoft hands in three easy steps. The Satin Hands Pampering Set includes Extra Emollient Night Cream, Satin Hands Satin Smoothie Hand Scrub which cleanses and exfoliates. It's an everyday treat for hands to leave them feeling smooth and soft instantly. And you'll love the fresh peach scent. Also Satin Hands® Hand Cream to condition and moisturize for hours. All three come in a pretty peach-colored bag.
This giveaway will go for 3 days and you can enter up to 3 times.
For one entry, leave your name in a comment.
Example: QT Pie
For a second entry visit my website: www.marykay.com/jocelynharris and tell me your name and what one product you would love to try and why.
Example: QT Pie: I would love love love to try even complexion essence to help me with all my fake bakin sun damage on my face!
For your third entry enter another new comment with your name and tell me when you feel your most beautiful.
Example: QT Pie: I feel my most beautiful when my kids tell me they love me or when I have fire engine red lipstick on.
If you aren't a winner, don't despair! You can earn a chance at this fabulous gift just by getting together with me for some pampering time! Simply leave a comment if you would like a facial and mineral makeup makeover and a chance to earn the giveaway for yourself!
Good luck everyone!
I didn't know you had a blog. Yeah.. finally..j/k. ok.. I'm entering for the contest too.
Heather K.
Stephanie Cameron!!
I feel most beautiful after a day when I really take care of myself... eat well, exercise, get a hair cut, ect! - Stephanie Cameron
and just in case I didn't do it right on your site... I would love to try Advanced Moisture Renewal Cream because my 30 something skin is starting to lose it's bounce!
Hi! I would like to try the tinted sunscreen/moisturizer, that is, if they still make it :)
Krista J
Hi, I would love to try the complexion thing to even out my sun damage spots. DOes it really work?=)
Okay, I feel most beautiful when I am serving my family and friends. WHen I become focused on others, I feel good inside and that radiates to the outside.
I can't believe I am your first follower!!! I don't think I have ever been anyone's first!!!
Your blog is beautiful!!! I love your backround and header!!! The colors and design are wonderful!!!
This is a darling give-away!!! What a great idea!!!
Good luck with your blog...I know you will love blogging!!! It is so much fi=un and you meet so many wonderful people!!!
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