Friday, July 31, 2009
Thought of the week
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist
sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
— Winston Churchill: Was a British statesman, author, and soldier
sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
— Winston Churchill: Was a British statesman, author, and soldier
Pop on in to Paisley Poppy
If you live near The District in South Jordan you may have been in to Paisley Poppy. If you have never heard of it, they have Vintage Jewelry & Gifts, Purses, Mirrors, Jewelry, Interior Design, Gift Cards, Fragrances, Decorative Lamps, Custom Florals, Classy Home Comforts, Candles, Bath Soaps, Antiques, Furniture and other fun stuff. I love it! You can get a 25% first time purchase discount too! It is on of my new favorite treasure spots. I am trying to choose from some wallpaper from there for my piano room, pics to come soon and I will have a vote. They also have all these different tassles that you can put on lamps, doors, drawer pulls, over vases ot urns, curtains rods/pulls, they are so interesting!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
And the winner is....
Thanks to everyone who entered my giveaway! Congratulations Krista you are my winner! Lucky you! Stay tuned for the next fabulous giveaway.
Saturday, July 25, 2009

I am doing a Giveaway for a Satin Hands Gift Set! The winner will receive a full size Mary Kay Satin Hands Pampering Set. The gift set also includes an ultra chic aqua collander for your kitchen and designer kitchen gloves for doing dishes or cleaning to protect those Satin Hands of yours! All wrapped up super cute just for you! If you haven't tried Satin Hands before it gives you irresistibly smooth, supersoft hands in three easy steps. The Satin Hands Pampering Set includes Extra Emollient Night Cream, Satin Hands Satin Smoothie Hand Scrub which cleanses and exfoliates. It's an everyday treat for hands to leave them feeling smooth and soft instantly. And you'll love the fresh peach scent. Also Satin Hands® Hand Cream to condition and moisturize for hours. All three come in a pretty peach-colored bag.
This giveaway will go for 3 days and you can enter up to 3 times.
For one entry, leave your name in a comment.
Example: QT Pie
For a second entry visit my website: and tell me your name and what one product you would love to try and why.
Example: QT Pie: I would love love love to try even complexion essence to help me with all my fake bakin sun damage on my face!
For your third entry enter another new comment with your name and tell me when you feel your most beautiful.
Example: QT Pie: I feel my most beautiful when my kids tell me they love me or when I have fire engine red lipstick on.
If you aren't a winner, don't despair! You can earn a chance at this fabulous gift just by getting together with me for some pampering time! Simply leave a comment if you would like a facial and mineral makeup makeover and a chance to earn the giveaway for yourself!
Good luck everyone!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Notes from my Kick it Up! Class

YOU DON'T ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU WANT BUT YOU WILL ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT MOST! Listen to what you and your family are saying and then play the "cancel, cancel" game. This game goes like this: Whenever you or someone around you syas something negative, call them on it. Say Cancel! Cancel! and you or the person being negative has to say something positive. It is really funny, my friend is always yelling out, "Cancel, cancel, I like ice cream!" This game might sound silly, but don't underestimate it's power. Teach your kids and they will catch you way more than you catch them. There is lots of negative talk going on right now with the economy. Are we talking about lack or prosperity? Remember, we don't always get what we want but we will alwyas get what we think about most. If you don't believe me, try it.
Qoutes I like:
"The MIRACLE is not that I finished... The MIRACLE is that I had the courage to START."
"Opporunity is missed by some because it's dressed in overalls and looks like work."
"There is a gap between where we are and where we want to be. Successful people wake up each morning ready and willing to close that gap."
(P.S. Isn't my picture just so funny? It is of a magnet I have)
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
What I am reading...(well, ONE of the books I am reading)

So my friend Stephanie gave me a book by David Sedaris. I quote, "David Sedaris, frequently called "the funniest man alive," has developed a unique brand of personal, self-deprecating humor that has touched a chord with readers, listeners, and fellow writers." Now, I personally have never heard of him. Stephanie is an English Major so maybe she is just some uber awesome book selector, but I probably should have heard of him. I think he is kind of a big deal, maybe? I love to read. But I guess I am not all-knowing. Anyway, he is freaking hillarious and I am loving my read so I am recomending it to all!
Back to School Shopping
Baby Brockie Bear and Big Bos Man
Where does the time go? It seems only yesterday I was waiting to give birth-(begging to get this kid outta me!)-and now my littel Brockbank is almost a year old. He doesn't fall asleep on me anymore, he is close to walking, and he has 6 teeth! Yes 6, at 9 months old! He doesn't give me kisses like he used to because those chompers of his would hurt biting into my flesh like a vampire. He is as smiley and dimpley and brightly blue-eyed as ever though. Why has he grown so fast yet so has my waist line? Isn't nursing supposed to help me lose weight? Seriously!! Also, I am buying clothes for back to school and Boston isn't a toddler anymore! He wears little boy clothes and they cost a lot more btw, but he just looks so big with his big boy shoes and hats and accessories! Where has the time gone? It has gone by so fast. So many things have happened and so much is yet to come to be.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
I am a mom who has love, needs a little more peace
If you haven't heard of PeaceLoveMom, well, now you have. I love their thermals they are so soft and long and cozy, yet fashionable and mommaliscious! Well, until July 30 in their FabuLESS finds section you will get an additional 25% off! So if you are a new mom or just proud to be a hot mama, check it out. I love this one.

Your lipstick can make a difference!

“...Up that goal a little. It doesn’t cost any more to make it bigger” – Mary Kay Ash
You can join Mary Kay in its worldwide effort to change the lives of women and children around the world through your purchase of Beauty that Counts™ Mary Kay® Creme Lipstick. In the U.S., from May 1 through Dec. 15, 2009, $1 will be donated from each sale of Beauty That Counts™ Mary Kay® Creme Lipsticks in limited-edition Pink Passion and in Gingerbread. As part of this effort, in the United States, Mary Kay Inc. is proud to support the Mary Kay Ash Charitable Foundation in its efforts to end domestic violence. Together, we can make a beautiful difference.

Possibility” is defined as the condition or fact of being possible; something that could happen. But in reality, most people don’t explore their possibilities. The reasons for this are many, but could include: fear of failure, low self-confidence and lack of motivation. If you don’t believe that something is possible, you usually don’t try to accomplish it. Thinking that you can’t do something is what keeps most people from realizing their hopes and dreams. Those that do press the envelope and test their possibilities often find new abilities and self-confidence, and as a result, can reinvent themselves in the process.
Most people don’t realize that possibilities abound and are easily attainable. The people who stay curious, are engaged in life and explore their possibilities have a greater chance of realizing their goals. I’m reminded of a song titled “A Hazy Shade of Winter” recorded by Simon and Garfunkel. Here’s how the song begins:
Time, Time, Time, see what's become of me,
While I look around, for my possibilities,
The song is really about the passage of time. Time, as you know, seems to pass very quickly as we get older. As I think about that first line in that song - Time, Time, Time, see what’s become of me - I wonder what’s become of ME over time. Or perhaps the more important question is: What will become of me as time moves forward? Of course, only time will tell. But if you believe in yourself and explore your possibilities with passion, self-confidence and an open mind, your future may just become the springtime of your life and not become a hazy shade of winter.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Recipe of the week: These California Burgers are so dee-lish!

California Burgers
1 ½ lb Lean ground beef or turkey
¼ cup Soy sauce
1 Tbsp Horseradish (can also do half mayo half horseradish)
1 clove Garlic, finely minced or pressed through a garlic press
1 ½ tsp Fresh lime juice
½ tsp Sesame oil
1 good pinch Freshly ground black pepper (or more to taste)
4 -6 slices Havarti cheese
Guacamole, your favorite store bought or homemade
Alfalfa Sprouts (or Bibb Lettuce can be substituted)
1 small Cucumber, cut into ribbons with a vegetable peeler
4 - 6 French Hamburger Buns
In a medium mixing bowl whisk together soy sauce, horseradish cream, garlic, lime juice, sesame oil and pepper. Add ground turkey or beef and mix together just until combined and seasonings are dispersed well through meat. Be careful not to over work or burgers could get tough.
Divide meat mixture into four 1/3 lb burgers or six ¼ lb burgers. Meat should be soft. It works well to put patties on a sheet of parchment to transfer easily to grill.
Preheat grill (barbecue or grill pan). Place patties on hot grill and cook until good and brown on bottom, about 4 - 5 minutes. Carefully flip and place cheese on cooked side. Cook until bottom is nicely brown and color on sides are no longer pink, about 3 - 4 minutes..
Remove from grill and allow to rest a couple of minutes. Place bun halves interior side down on grill and toast for just a minute. Remove to serving plates. Spread guacamole on each top bun. Place burger on each bottom bun then place cucumber ribbons and sprouts on top of patties.
Serve with fresh tropical fruit salad and/or sweet potato fries.
Makes 4 - 6 burgers
Monday, July 13, 2009
So I am not a big doughnut fan really, I like a Krispy Kreme once in a while and sometimes a chocolate chocolate, but I am dying to try this place out! It is called Beyond Glaze in Draper 177 W 12300 S. Hulloh-oh! These look way yum-mo! Who can resist flavors like apple crisp, german chocolate, pineapple, pumpkin chocolate chip, grasshopper...

Sunday, July 12, 2009
It is good to dream, but it is better to dream and work. Faith is mighty, but action with faith is mightier. - Thomas Robert Gaines.
It amazes me how many creative, bright, hard-wroking, all-around amazing women I know. I am so privelaged! However, it gets me thinking, what can I do to be better? Am I truly stepping into my greatness that I was put on earth for? Well, the answer is a big fat whopping no, but I realize nobody is perfect. Today I will do just one thing stepping toward more and moving my life in a positive direction. My children are so precious to me and I know in my home more is "caught" than "taught". What do my children see me doing?
So poor little Brock is allergic to the second antibiotic we gave him, had hives, his ear infection isn't getting better, and he has a horrible yeast infection. Boston never had these woes! Oh well, we have a new RX and a cream so we shall see. I still am blessed with such well-tempered kids that even though not feeling well, Brock is pretty much a delight still. If he starts getting fussy and I complain, Aaron is quick to remind me, some babies are like this all the time. I will say again, I am so blessed. I think God knows though that if I had a "difficult" child I would probably beat them.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Oh just you wait, It doesn't stop at purses...

You know how you used to be a purse-a-holic. You know,no matter how hard you try to resist or how much you bargain with yourself (”You can only spend x amount this year on purses… so choose well…) you still love purses and get a funny little girl smile and a tickle in your tummy when you pull a new one on your arm. Yes, I am one of “those” women who immediately comes home and puts the purse on and preens in front of the mirror. The obligatory guilt doesn't come until much later. Usually it's when I look at my spending and think to myself -wow that was a lot for a purse. Or, when I'm cleaning out my closet and giving to the D.I. But it doesn't stop there! Once you have children, it turns to Diaper Bags, which can be much more pricey, but are oh so heavely and big and pretty much fabulous, so here is a site for you. I bought my last Diaper Bag there,the first one pictured and I want several more! I can't help it! It is a sickness! (No doubt inherited from my mother-oh the shame on her!) They have every style and price range and are even discounted with free shipping and free returns. Check it out!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Wondering where to go for lunch?
Mary Kay Product Special of the month

So this is the latest and greatest in Mary Kay and hot! hot! hot! for the summer. For the entire month of July if you purchase a tinted lip balm for only $13,you will recieve a satin lips mask FREE! This is a $9.50 value. How cool is that? The botanically-enriched formula of NEW! Mary Kay® Tinted Lip Balm Sunscreen SPF 15* glides on a tint of color while moisturizing with ingredients like jojoba oil and shea butter. Plus, it provides broad-spectrum protection against harmful UVA/UVB rays and helps neutralize damaging free radicals with the antioxidant power of vitamin A and vitamin C. The Satin Lips® Lip Mask contains miniature buffing beads that gently exfoliate dead surface skin cells that cause lips to appear dull and lifeless. Check out my website to order:
Recommended Reading~The Time Traveler's Wife
Motivational Quote of the week!
"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe,
it can achieve. Thoughts are things! And powerful
things at that, when mixed with definiteness of purpose,
and burning desire, can be translated into riches."
— Napoleon Hill
it can achieve. Thoughts are things! And powerful
things at that, when mixed with definiteness of purpose,
and burning desire, can be translated into riches."
— Napoleon Hill
Project of the week: Designer Alphabet Magnets!
So this of course is not my original idea...I have a select few of those, but I thought this was a cute simple idea to help your kids learn their abc's and to look cute and match your home decor, personal style, whatever...
Magnetic ABC's
5 sheets 5x8 inch self adhesive magnet sheets (found at the dollar store)
fabric (i used fat quarters)
exacto knife
mod podge
paint brush to brush mod podge
1. to get a template for the letters, open a Word document. type a-z in the font titled "arial black" make it bold, and size 225. set your margins to "narrow" so more letters can be on each page.
2. cut letters out using scissors
3. cut fabric to fit sheets of magnets. take paper off of the magnet and stick fabric to the sticky stuff.
4. place letter on top, while holding it with your hand, cut around each letter. for letters with holes in the middle, use an exacto knife to cut.
5.5.when you are completely finished step 4 with all the letters. lay letters out on wax paper. begin brushing a thin layer of mod podge on the letters one at a time making sure to go right to the edge. let air dry for 10-15 minutes. place on any magnetic surface and you are done!
Recipe of the Week! Chicken Burritos with Salsa Verde and Lime Rice

The recipe this week I actually got from my friend Jess, but then realized I also have it in one of my cook books and have never made it or even noticed it! Ha, ha. So the cook book is The Food Nanny Rescues Dinner and it is by Liz Edmunds. Now, it is a pretty good recipe book that I would recommend. However, cute Liz practically forced me to buy it and kept exclaiming, "It will change your life honey!" It is autographed by her and I made bread for the first time, french baguettes to be exact and they were yum-mo! But, I am sorry, it did not change my life, she is so funny....anyway, here it is! The rice recipe is great to make also as a aide and if you are making Cafe Rio salads! It is kind of Cafe Rio inspired I would say.
Chicken Burritos With Salsa Verde and Lime
1 pound boneless skinless chicken breasts
Salt and ground black pepper
1 (15-oz) can black beans, drained
Santa Fe Lime Rice (recipe to follow)
6 burrito sizes flour tortillas
1 cup shredded pepper Jack cheese or Monterey Jack
1 cup bottled salsa verde
1 (0.4 oz) packet buttermilk dressing mix (ranch)
1/3 cup chopped fresh cilantro
1/3 cup sour cream
1/3 cup mayonnaise
1 tsp minced garlic
½ tsp coarse salt
1 TBLS fresh limejuice
¼ tsp ground cumin
¼ cup sugar
Dash Tabasco (optional)
1. Prepare the rice and keep warm.
2. Meanwhile, grill (or broil) the chicken breasts over medium heat, until tender and no longer pink. Shred the chicken with two forks and season with salt and pepper.
3. To make the sauce, put all the sauce ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth. Heat the sauce in a saucepan or the microwave.
4. Heat the black beans in a saucepan or the microwave
5. To assemble burritos: Divide the chicken among the tortillas. Add a scoop of rice and a scoop of beans to each one. Fold up the bottom third of one tortilla over the filling, fold in the sides, and then fold down the top. Repeat for the remaining tortilla’s
6. Preheat the broiler to low and adjust the oven rack to about 6 inches from the heat. Place the filled burritos seam side down in a broiler pan, or oblong metal pan, and pour the sauce over all. Sprinkle with cheese.
7. Place the pan under the broiler, watch closely and broil until the sauce is bubbly, just a few minutes.
Variations: As an alternative to broiling, bake the burritos, topped with sauce and cheese, in the oven at 350 degrees for 40-45 minutes, until the sauce is bubbly. Or simply serve the filled burritos on a platter and pass the heated sauce and the cheese in separate bowls.
Santa Fe Lime Rice
1 cup uncooked long-grain white rice
2 cups chicken broth
¼ tsp salt
Juice of ½ lime
2 TBLS butter
2 TBLS chopped fresh cilantro
¼ tsp ground cumin
Combine the rice, broth, and slat in a large saucepan over med-high heat. Bring to a boil. Decrease the heat to simmer and add the lime juice, butter, cilantro, and cumin. Stir, cover, and simmer 15-20 minutes, until rice is tender.
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