Monday, March 29, 2010
When Did I Get So OLD???!!!!
This is so not cool, I have always had a few random grey hairs popping up since I was probably 18. Well, the other night I was looking in the mirror and I have SOOOOO many greys coming in my roots. It is a very distressing image. And it is all through my hair pretty much, I want to cry! I don't mind getting older, really I don't, I like being in my 30's, but all of the sudden I realized, "Oh my gosh, I have been married almost 10 years, I am turning 32, this is the time that you always picture as your "future" and now I am living it, my future is here, now. Well, I need to actually start LIVING more and thriving instead of just surviving. So, I will have to get my hair done a little more often to cover these greys, so what, right? Ya, whatever...
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
BeAuTy TrEnD RePoRt SpRiNg/SuMmEr 2010
Click here for an exclusive peek at the Spring 2010 Trend Report!

One Life to Love... Updates
Brock is almost 18 months! He still isn't saying very many words and he is still SO small! But so stinkin' cute and fun. He is an excellent helper, he helps me unload the dishwasher, can do the silverware all by himself and hands me the rest. he tries to sweep the kitchen floor with a broom which is so funny. He always brings Boston his toohpaste and toothbrush in the morning and his backpack for school. He is practially running now. he can tell you what a dog, cow and bee say and can make fishy face. He points to horses all the time when we are driving and yells. He loves to sing and dance (and watch Dancing with the Stars) He is fearless at the playground. He folds his arms for the prayer (for a second anyway) We enjoy reading books together. He likes to play Peek-a-Boo and loves to laugh and laugh and laugh, it is the best sound ever I swear! Especially when you throw him up in the air, dangerous? Probably. So cute and fun? Definately. (We throw him pretty high) And he wants to do whatever his brother is doing and have whatever Boston has. He is smart even if he doesn't talk really, he understands you and obeys very well. Brock has 12 teeth and two more almost in! He likes to brush his teeth, but he doesn't want his kiddy toothpaste, he likes the hot mint stuff! He will eat whole cinnamon altoids one after another and salsa, hot tamales, he likes it HOT! He loves to wave hi and bye, like crazy fanatic wave. And to see a train and say choo choo, well almost, (that is what I interpret anyway.) Also, he is a total monkey! Climbs all on everything (and falls) I seem to have to keep my eye on and chase him way more then I ever did Bos. Boston has become an excellent reader, he has been reading since he was four, but now he can read anything that isn't too hard. I am a very proud mommy. I have been blessed with such good kids. I know every mom probably thinks that, but really, mine are awesome! Aaron's work is still short on hours, I need to make lots more money in Mary Kay! I have been in Young Women for almost 3 years, but I like it better now than I ever have, so I don't know if I want to be released, or if they will ever release me! I have been riding my bike with Stephanie and I hadn't ridden a bike for YEARS. It was hard and I was scared and felt stupid! But now I am better, mostly, I still can't turn very sharp, but we are training to ride 15 miles. So far we have gone 7. I'm pretty gosh darn proud of myself! Maybe I will get in shape a little. It is sad how I have let myself go since having Brock. I have 6 students I teach piano to right now and maybe will be taking more. I don't know, I don't hate it, but I don't love it either. It depends on the student ;) I am a horrible journaler and that's all I can think of right now! My camera is still broken so I have no new pics, I am so sad!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Je Suis Reconnaissant

Tonight I went to a Mary Kay dinner where we had some special guest speakers. One being Yvette Franco, Mary Kays Vice President of Marketing (big deal) and National Sales Director Suzanne Brothers. I totally am so grateful to be a part of such an amazing company. I just wanted to write what I learned so I don't forget. Mary Kay Ash herself made sure we never tested on animals. I knew this. However what I did not know was that Yvette and her team travel to different countries to research different ingredients and stuff and they won't even do business with another company that tests on animals. A lot of cosmetic companies say they don't test on animals, but they purchase ingredients from a company who does. Awesome! Also, she talked about how we don't have some items on the market that other companies do. For example a lip plumper. If you have tried a lip plumper it kind of burns right? Well Mary Kay has researched and can't find the ingredients that actually do plump your lips and that are comfortable. They don't want to produce anything that causes any discomfort in any way. Also, they will not put anything on the market unless it can be undeniably scientifically backed to do exactly what it claims to do and is proven. Other companies make claims and aren't 100% accurate. We have integrity and such a high standard to deliver only the best to our clients. Awesome! In a recent survey that Mary Kay did to regular customers out in the world, 9 out of 10 are completely satisfied with their Mary Kay, other companies would kill to have this. I am part of a company where our mission is to help women look better, feel better, and maybe even BE better. No other company can say this I believe. There also is nothing out there like our Miracle Set, there might be other products that do part of what we do or that have similar ingredients and properties, but as a set, the results you see completely overall and for the price there is nothing out there better! I whole heartedly believe this. Mary Kay studies and looks at trends constantly, not only fashion and color trends, but social trends as well. For example, the economy in the past year and a half has changed peoples behavior in a permanent way in how they spend their money. If it is not of VALUE to them, they won't spend money, I know I don't. Our job in Mary Kay is to provide something of VALUE that people will feel good about spending their money on. Another trend is technology and this digital age. Mary Kay is on top of that 100% and offers every kind of technological advancement to its consultants and to our customers. Also, we are AUTHENTIC, we a real company with heart. Another social trend is that women are wanting to BE BETTER. Better moms, wives, women. I do. I am proud to say that I am part of something meaningful. Women want a meaningful life. In Mary Kay I a, striving to become a Sales Director which I believe is the best job in the whole world for women. You get paid stupid money and you live a meaningful life, you can't succeed in MK until you help someone else succeed. We all want to be better, not perfect, but better. I know Mary Kay helps me be better. Tammy, my National shared how her daughter Nikki recently graduated from Paul Mitchell Hair Academy and her and her mom were visiting another National Sales Director in Tennessee, they were going to the CMA's and stuff. Ya know, they are rich so, anyway Nikki is also friends with this Nationals daughter who is her same age 24. They asked Nikki what she wanted to do with her career. SHe said she wants to be famous and not just cut hair but do like movie stars and stuff, she was raised in a MK home which means a ICAN DO HAVE BE ANYTHING attitude. So they mentioned this Nationals hair stylist does hair for the grammys does lots of famous people there and they think he is looking for an assistant. Well Tammy and NIkki go home and forget about it mostly until a phone call comes and he really is looking for an assistant and Nikki can come audition. They buy an expensive plane ticket and get her there 2 days later. Stay with me here. So the audition is doing hair for the Miss Kentucky Pageant. 60 women 3 hairstyles each. One of her gals hair she did won and she got the assisting job to this famous hair dresser. She is living her dream. It cost $13000 to get her moved across the country and set up in a nice place, etc. But that is easy for Tammy to pay. Nikki would not have had this awesome amazing opportunity if Tammy wasn't in Mary Kay and wasn't friends with this National. (Her first client was Trace Atkins wife!) I don't ever want to tell my kids that they can't have their dream because we can't afford it. And I don't ever want my kids to think they aren't good enough and can't do it because that's what they saw from me. You will remain the same until the pain of remaining the same is greater than the pain it takes to change. I am at this pont. If I keep doing what I have always done I will keep getting what I alwys get, this is not suitable for me. "Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved."
Helen Keller
Monday, March 8, 2010
March Visiting Teaching
The message from the Ensign this month talks about using
personal scripture study to strengthen your faith in God...
The tag is supposed to remind us that we are indeed "LUCKY" to have the scriptures... as we study them...we are strengthened...we are urged to become scholars...and yes, all sisters can do it!
A pic of the inside cover after opening the book...
And the inside with the entire message from the Ensign
And the back page... with the (of course) treat!
A Symphony bar and the message to
"Join a Worldwide Symphony of Sisters Studying Scriptures"

personal scripture study to strengthen your faith in God...
The tag is supposed to remind us that we are indeed "LUCKY" to have the scriptures... as we study them...we are strengthened...we are urged to become scholars...and yes, all sisters can do it!
A pic of the inside cover after opening the book...
And the inside with the entire message from the Ensign
And the back page... with the (of course) treat!
A Symphony bar and the message to
"Join a Worldwide Symphony of Sisters Studying Scriptures"

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